My life has revolved around educators. My parents were both educators–dad went from being a teacher, asst. principal, principal to working at the district office,
whereas, mom taught 3rd grade until she stayed home to take care of 4 children all born within 5 years of each other. They were the reason I wanted to become
a teacher. Although my dad wanted me to choose a different profession, I had to go where my heart was.
I taught all of my years in first grade. I loved seeing the growth from the beginning of the year to the end. My last few years I worked part time as a Literacy Coach.
That was also a special time for me!
My life didn’t stop with just my parents being educators. Almost 38 years ago, I married my husband who was an educator in high school. We had two children-
Lauren (a 3rd grade teacher) is married to Adam (a high school math teacher) and Michael (a 2-6 grade science teacher) is married to Caroline. We have 4
awesome grandchildren.
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